The Nature study which determined that the accuracy of Wiki was equal to Britanica was in relation to the modern day online Britanica. I never question the accuracy of one in relation to the other. The version to which I referred was the 1893 Britanicas. My point was less of a statement on accuracy but rather a statement on the richness of the language, the superior writing and the obvious effort involved in the research. The old Britanicas convey the honest interest of the author and the desire to convey information in a very clear, unequivocal manner rather then the stilted, grinding style of the modern day academic whose production line mentality is “Publish soon or perish soon".
Sorry to create a whole new post just to respond to a comment. Every effort on my part to post a comment on my own blog or anyone elses has met with total failure. I cannot understand it.
have you tried logging out of your account, and then trying to post on either yours or another's blog? If you have access to one, the easiest way to do this is to use a different browser. Is it only Blogspot blogs you have trouble with? Or the Live Journal/WP blogs as well?