Monday, 12 September 2011


Creating a blog is rediculousely easy. I am flaberghasted. I beleive they would be useful to library professionals because they afford the opportunity for librarians to share client requests and thereby get a good sence of what books are in demand before someone necessarily makes the request to a specific library.

Not certain at this stage if this blog service offers RSS feeds or how I can find that out. I fear I have rushed something or skipped over something. I will go back over the modules and see if anything comes to me. For now we will call this my first swing at it. Hopefully I am not terribly off the mark.

Blogs in general- I have the feeling they are more for the benifit of the creator then the reader. Blogs seem to be for setting up. This way people can say " I have my own blog" and others can say " My word he's got his own blog what a splendid chap he must be". Mind you this is but an initial impression as I fear my experience with this medium is sadly limited and defficient. No doubt my thinking will undergo a grave transformation or none at all. One or the other.

Tally ho


  1. As of a few minutes later I am still in the dark as to the rss feeds but I thought I would post a comment just for a laugh. So good job, agree with all I said earlier, look forward to next posting.

  2. I'm glad you found the RSS feed eventually - great post!

  3. Seeing as this blog still exists I shall use it. This is a test posting to make certain it stll works.

  4. Alright It still works, thats good.

    Michael vick may be out as the Eagles QB. Maybe not soon but I don't know how many more fumbles it will be before they give Nick Fowlds a try. Andy Reids days could be numbered also.
